I have thought about writing it permanently on my wrist. Maybe in red. “Don’t forget this moment.” It’s never the pretty ones I want to remember, those always get a photograph. It’s the ones where my blood is boiling. The ones where I am on the verge of a scream. The ones where there is oatmeal all over the floor and someone’s feelings are hurt. THIS TIME. Do it differently. Remember THIS time. I am too full of mistakes to let half my life go. We are born a pile of broken bones. It takes a lifetime to pick them up and stitch their brittleness back together. Threading them with the acceptance we are not perfect. I am grateful for the thick resilience of skin. The way is stretches, morphs, and glistens. I have to have faith it all counts. The sleeplessness, the wet beds, the ugly parenting. The disagreements, the unruly mess, the snarly hair. These parts of me are beautiful too. I am trying to allow myself to feel the broken so I can devour the heal. Know that there will come a time I will do it differently. A time when I listen only to the small chirping of my heart.
{honored to have this photo and writing be a part of THE CHORUS - a coming together of women artists' imagery and voice. follow the link for other writings and photos on 'time'}